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Foto del escritorPherlha Aguilar

Book Release ...

Actualizado: 1 jun 2020


Les cuento que hoy tenía un evento muy intelectual debido a que mi amiga Cinthia Barragán me invito a un book release de la autora Elva Macías y el libro que se presentaba era “ Eraclio Zepeda Iconografía”. El lugar del evento era el Centro Cultural Tijuana donde la autora se iba presentar también para hablar del libro.

Había varias caras conocidas entre los asistentes y la verdad me gusto la experiencia intelectual y aproveche para estrenar mi nuevo look …


Well today I had a very intellectual event because my friend Cinthia Barragán invited me to a book release of the author Elva Macías and the book that was presented was "Eraclio Zepeda Iconografía". The place of the event was the Tijuana Cultural Center where the author would also be present herself to talk about the book. There were several familiar faces among the attendees and I really liked the intellectual experience and take the opportunity to show off my new look ...

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