Hola Amigos:
Les cuento que hoy festejamos Halloween !!! Así que este año nos lanzamos a una fiesta que hizo un amigo Carlos Moreno. Obvio era de disfraces así que Daniela Rodríguez y yo nos dimos a la tarea de ir disfrazadas de ….
Bueno ella era la versión femenina de Harry Potter (pero en cute) y yo era Caperucita Roja sexy.
El lugar lo adornaron súper cool y la verdad pasamos un rato súper cool ¡!!
Happy Halloween a todos !!!
Hello friends:
Today we celebrate Halloween !!! So this year we went to a party that my friend Carlos Moreno did. Obviously it was a costume party so Daniela Rodríguez and I took on the task of finding a cool disguised soo we went as .... Well she was the female version of Harry Potter (but cute) and I was sexy Little Red Riding Hood. The place was decorated super cool and we had a really cool time !! Happy Halloween to all!