Bueno les cuento que hoy era el cumpleaños de mi amigo el diseñador Miguel Ángel Badiola y a pesar de que estaba haciendo mil frio y granizo , nos dimos cita para cenar juntos con él. La cita fue el restaurante Lion Fish en la zona del rio. Obviamente el cumpleañero llego tarde ( y que bueno porque yo también jajajaja ) entre los invitados estaban varias bolitas de amigos desde sus amigas del alma y de chicos ( La Coppel , Lilian , Dayian y mas ) y demás amigos cercanos a el David y Lizz entre otros.
Le cantamos las mañanitas y todos traíamos unos sombreros chistosos fish theme , bueno el mío era un chile que no sé qué venia al caso pero bueno . La pasamos súper bien ente risas, críticas y platicas cool.
Happy Bday Mickey ¡!!
Well I tell you that today was my friend designer Miguel Angel Badiola`s bday and although the weather was extremely cold and raining with hail, we made an appointment to dine together with him. The appointment was the Lion Fish restaurant in the zona del rio area. Obviously the birthday boy was late (and that`s good because I also was hahaha) among the guests were several diferent groups of friends of him , from his childhood and school friends like (La Coppel, Lilian, Dayian and more) and other closed friends like David and Lizz between others. We sang the mañanitas while we all wore some funny fish theme hats , well mine was a chile that I do not know what the hell a chile has to do with fish but ok. We had a great time laughing, criticizing and talking. Happy Bday Mickey !!