Bueno amigos les cuento que hoy había un bazar en el Club Campestre de Lady Multitask Tijuana / San Diego.
Y dentro del evento los chicos de Mossa Activewear estuvieron presentes, ellos me invitaron a participar con ellos y obvio dije si ¡!
Les cuento que me tocó ver muchos más diseños de Mossa y estan wow ¡! Se distinguen por que muchas de las piezas no solo son de gym sino que igual se pueden usar para salir casual ( 2x1 outfit) Chicas ya saben si quieren su traje entren a sus redes sociales o vayan a Triiibu ahí tiene una pequeña boutique con sus diseños, así lucirán además de fit muy fashion.
Well friends, I tell you that today there was a Lady Mutitask Tijuana / San Diego Bazaar in Campestre Country Club. And within the event the people of Mossa Activewear were present, so they invited me to participate with them and obviously I said yes! I tell you that I got to see many more Mossa designs and they are wow! They are distinguished by the fact that many of the pieces are not only gym clothes but they can also be used to go out casual look (2x1 outfits) Girls if you want to see the styles and clothes feel free to go to their social networks or go to Triiibu there has a small boutique inside with their designs , so you will look in addition to fit very fashion.