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Foto del escritorPherlha Aguilar

Opening of AlaCena Bistro ...

Este Jueves fuimos invitados a la inauguración del Restaurante AlaCena Bistro ( de los mismos dueños de Garufa ) es un restaurante de comida internacional (osea de todo) ubicado en Monte Libano esquina con Sierra Leona en la Colonia Lomas de Chapultepec. Era tal cual lo decía el anuncio "Cocinamos entre amigos y para amigos" y si la pasamos super cool . Al evento nos fuimos Guille ( el argentinito) y yo y allá nos encontramos con Natalia ( una modelo brasileña que ya yo había conocido en otro evento anterior), ya después llegaron La Lucky Ladie Muriel ( esposa del baterista de Molotov) y su hermano Fabian . Entre comida y unos tintos nos la pasamos riéndonos , platicando historias , enterándonos de cosas nuevas y muy divertidos literal entre amigos, comprobando aveces que Less is more ...

This Thursday we were invited to the opening of a Restaurant AlaCena Bistro (of the same owners of Garufa) the food more off an international restaurant (so I mean you can eat almost everything) located in Monte Libano corner of Sierra Leona in the Colonia Lomas de Chapultepec. The slogan of the place said "We cook with friends and for friends" and that was exactly it.To the event I went with Guille (the argentinito) and there we meet with Natalia (a Brazilian model that I had met at a previous event), and later on my friend The Lucky Ladie Muriel (wife of the drummer from Molotov) and her brother Fabian arrived.We had a lovely night among food, red wine and friends we spent most of the time laughing, chatting stories and finding out new things of our lifes , and literally a good time among friend, proving that sometimes less is more ...

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