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Foto del escritorPherlha Aguilar

UDCI Runway Show ...

Hola Amigos:

Hoy teníamos la pasarela de las diseñadoras que se graduaban de la UDCI, así que seguía mi semana de estará trabajando a full y mañana viajo a México.

Así que me presente en el evento para hair and makeup y obvio estaban las demás modelos de Portafolio ( que btw son mis amigas también ) mientras estábamos en maquillaje estuvimos platicando de cosas de la vida y viendo los dramas que siempre pasan en un backstage de un evento tan grande y con tanta gente .

La verdad la pase súper bien para haber sido la última pasarela en Tijuana antes de irme de viaje por un rato … y sobre todo mil gracias a las niñas que la verdad me hicieron sentir querida y que me iban a extrañar durante mi ausencia ¡! Mil gracias babys las quiero!!

Hello friends:

Today we had the runway show for the designers who graduated from the UDCI, so I continued with my week of being working to the max and then I had to travel to Mexico tomorrow.

So I went to the event for hair and makeup and obviously there were other models of Portfolio Agency (which btw are my friends too) while we were in makeup we were talking about things in life and watching the dramas that always happen in a backstage of a Event so big and with so many people.

The truth was that I had a great time at the last catwalk in Tijuana before I went on a trip for a while ... and above all a thousand thanks to the girls who really made me feel loved and that they were going to miss me during my absence! A thousand thanks babys I love you !

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