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Candyd´s Birthday ...

Foto del escritor: Pherlha AguilarPherlha Aguilar


Hoy nos levantamos súper temprano a pesar de que ayer moría de cansancio después de ir y venir de OC . Pero hoy era cumpleaños de mi amiga la modelo filipina Candyd Lace y me dijo que si quería ir con ella y su novio a Puerto Nuevo a comer langosta. Obvio dije que si ¡! Así que hoy me levante y fuimos a la línea por ellos para de ahí irnos a Puerto Nuevo. Entre risas o comida rica, calor y pláticas pasamos una tarde linda. Y sin olvidar que le cantamos las maña nanitas y le dijimos que tenía que dar mordidaaa ¡!! . Para finalizar pasamos a que Candyd conociera la tan famosa Wall.

Happy bday amiga espero que la hayas pasado bien.


Today I got up super early even though yesterday I was soo tired after going to and coming back from OC. But today was my friend's philipino model birthday model Candyd Lace and she asked me if I wanted to go with her and her boyfriend to Puerto Nuevo to eat lobster. Obviously I said yes! So today I got up and went to the border to pick them up and then to go to Puerto Nuevo. Between laughter, rich food, heat and talks we had a nice afternoon. And without forgetting that we sang the happy birthday song we told her that she had to bite the cake !! . To finish the day we went to the border wall so Candyd can see it. Happy bday my friend. I hope you had a good time.





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