Hoy domingo nos fuimos Regina y yo al San Diego a turistear , ya que ella no conocía , así que pasamos a Downtown en la marina, viendo los lugares emblemáticos ( nos fuimos en trolley ) después de ver hasta el hermoso atardecer ( de los más bellos ever ) nos fuimos a cenar al Gaslamp ( comida italiana , súper rica por cierto ) ya después regresamos en la noche totalmente cansadas .
De esas veces que disfrutas mucho tú paseo turista.
Today Regina and I went to San Diego to visit, as she haden´t been here before, so we went to Downtown in the marina, seeing the emblematic places (we went in trolley) after seeing the beautiful sunset (the prettiest ever )we went to have dinner at Gaslamp (Italian food, super good by the way) and afterwards we went back home at night totally tired. Of those times that you really enjoy your tourist ride.